As I have said before (I think!) I love Groupon. I also love Wag Jag and have bought stuff off of both of them. Love it!! I have gotten some awesome deals, and have had a chance to try some new places and things.
Last week, there was a groupon for an online photography course. I have been tossing around the idea of taking a photography course for a while now. Geoff is our main photographer, both in the family and for Cracked Lens. But I sometimes crave doing something creative. I also have lots of imagery in my head, and I have trouble translating it to Geoff, so that he understands. So, maybe, if I can talk the talk, I can better express what I want. Or, maybe, I can do it myself.
I had an idea before, that I think will be fun and interesting and challenging. I was thinking about doing family photography, but specializing in special needs children and families. I have been pretty lucky with our experiences but it can be so stressful and frustrating to try and get a good picture with Sebastian. I think I have the understanding and ideas to make a go of it. I just need the technical knowledge. This might be a stepping stone for that.
I am pretty excited to start. I got a groupon for Geoff too, who wants to brush up on the basics. With his crazy work schedule, he can't commit to a course at Niagara College. He is so close to getting his certificate too. Hopefully soon, he will be in a position where he can take the courses again. ;)
Plus, it is always a competition between me and Geoff. Even if Geoff isn't actively participating. I think it might be good for both of us, to push us a little harder.
We have Fan Expo coming up in August. We also have no new photos for this year. We have to get cracking. It isn't for lack of ideas- ideas we have plenty of. I also have a pretty steady stream of volunteers, who are willing to have me bloody them up, and make them do unfortunate and uncomfortable things. We need to scout locations, and confirm which photos we want to do. We are also going to try and do t-shirts. I have 2 designs, courtesy of the amazing and wonderful Kurt Boutelier. I have to find a printer that will do what I want, for not a lot of money.
We have a (very) small, but loyal following, and they will be looking for new stuff from us. I would hate to disappoint them.
So much to do, so little time. Photos, photos, photos.
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for "need new pictures".
"Change, when it comes, cracks everything open."
Dorothy Allen
Dorothy Allen
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Update on my Summer to-do list
1. Take the kids to the beach at least once.
2. Go to the Zoo.
3.Use our season passes to Zooz like crazy. Get our money's worth and more.
4. Have family BBQ's at least once a month.
5. Have a blast at our White Trash party.
6. Sleep in the tent with the kids...even if it is just in the backyard.
7.Keep the grass and the hedge trimmed and neat.
8.Plant flowers.
9. Make salsa from ingredients I have grown in my garden.
10.Play outside...A LOT!!
11. Get a pool for the kids. But mainly for me. :)
12. Ride a roller coaster.
13. Make suntea.
14.Go to a carnival. Play bingo. Eat burgers and cotton candy.
15. Ride a horse.
16.Run through the sprinkler with the kids.
17. Walk on the treadmill every day.
18. Reconnect with an old friend.
19.Take lots of pictures.
20. Play hookie from work, for one afternoon.
21. Get a tattoo.
22. Get a pedicure.
23. Have a sleep over with Sawyer in her bed.
24. Have a day of fun with Sebastian- just me and him.
25. Same thing as above, with Sawyer.
26.See Gage graduate from Grade 8.
27. Clean up Grandma and Grandpa's grave. Plant flowers for them.
28. Go down a waterslide.
29. Play baseball.
30.Get a sunburn (not a bad one, just enought for freckles.)
31.Go fishing with Dad.
32.Have beers on a patio
33.Wash the cars.
34.Find fireflies.
35. Go garagesale-ing.
36.Go to the drive-in, eat tons of popcorn and junk.
37.Find a dog park for Axle, and let him go crazy.
38.Go on a road trip. Even if it is just a day.
39.Watch fireworks.
40.Eat watermelon with Sebastian.
41. Have the driveway covered with drawings in sidewalk chalk. Courtesy of Miss Sawyer.
42. Teach Axle to catch a frisbee.
43. Laugh so hard I cry. And maybe pee a little.
44. Sit by a fire, making spider dogs.
45. Have fresh flowers in my house, as often as I can.
46. Fly a kite.
47. Buy good sandals.
48.Take a nap, even if the laundry isn't done and the dishes are dirty.
49.Sleep in. But not on the same day as #48.
50. Read an awesome book. Share it with everyone
2. Go to the Zoo.
4. Have family BBQ's at least once a month.
5. Have a blast at our White Trash party.
6. Sleep in the tent with the kids...even if it is just in the backyard.
9. Make salsa from ingredients I have grown in my garden.
11. Get a pool for the kids. But mainly for me. :)
12. Ride a roller coaster.
13. Make suntea.
15. Ride a horse.
17. Walk on the treadmill every day.
18. Reconnect with an old friend.
20. Play hookie from work, for one afternoon.
21. Get a tattoo.
22. Get a pedicure.
23. Have a sleep over with Sawyer in her bed.
24. Have a day of fun with Sebastian- just me and him.
25. Same thing as above, with Sawyer.
27. Clean up Grandma and Grandpa's grave. Plant flowers for them.
28. Go down a waterslide.
29. Play baseball.
35. Go garagesale-ing.
41. Have the driveway covered with drawings in sidewalk chalk. Courtesy of Miss Sawyer.
42. Teach Axle to catch a frisbee.
43. Laugh so hard I cry. And maybe pee a little.
44. Sit by a fire, making spider dogs.
45. Have fresh flowers in my house, as often as I can.
46. Fly a kite.
47. Buy good sandals.
50. Read an awesome book. Share it with everyone
Camera Fail
I think I lost my camera. Fuck.
I have looked everywhere for it. I remember having it, taking pictures of my garden and the flowers in the front, so that I could post a score for my summer to-do list (8. Plant flowers). But I draw a blank after that.
I am sure that I brought it inside and put it on the cedar chest at the end of my bed. But it's not there.
It's also not under the bed, under the mattress, on-behind-under the chest, in my bedroom, Sawyer's bedroom or Sebastian's room. It's not on the dining room table, kitchen table or coffee table. It's not in the van or the car. It's not on the front porch or side porch or in the lawn chairs or the grass.
I can't find it anywhere.
So, my guess is one of 2 things happened.
1- Sawyer took it, like she takes most things. And she has stashed it somewhere. I will probably find it when she turns 13 and we have to repaint and rearrange her room.
2- it fell into the garbage beside the cedar chest and got thrown out.
I think I had most of the pictures downloaded off of it. But still, I am super bummed. Geoff bought me that camera for our anniversary last year. I loved the little thing. I used it all the time. I miss it so much.
If anyone sees it, roaming around, far from home, tell him I'm not mad. I just want him to come home to me.
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for "no camera, no happy."
I have looked everywhere for it. I remember having it, taking pictures of my garden and the flowers in the front, so that I could post a score for my summer to-do list (8. Plant flowers). But I draw a blank after that.
I am sure that I brought it inside and put it on the cedar chest at the end of my bed. But it's not there.
It's also not under the bed, under the mattress, on-behind-under the chest, in my bedroom, Sawyer's bedroom or Sebastian's room. It's not on the dining room table, kitchen table or coffee table. It's not in the van or the car. It's not on the front porch or side porch or in the lawn chairs or the grass.
I can't find it anywhere.
So, my guess is one of 2 things happened.
1- Sawyer took it, like she takes most things. And she has stashed it somewhere. I will probably find it when she turns 13 and we have to repaint and rearrange her room.
2- it fell into the garbage beside the cedar chest and got thrown out.
I think I had most of the pictures downloaded off of it. But still, I am super bummed. Geoff bought me that camera for our anniversary last year. I loved the little thing. I used it all the time. I miss it so much.
If anyone sees it, roaming around, far from home, tell him I'm not mad. I just want him to come home to me.
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for "no camera, no happy."
14. Go to a carnival. Play bingo. Eat burgers and cotton candy.
Friday night, Geoff, the kids and I went to the St. David's carnival.
Most years, we do the circuit- Chippawa and Stamford in June, Optomist and St. David's in July. And any others we can find along the way. But this year, we have missed all but this one. I am glad we made it to this one though.
I love carnivals. I love the smells, the sights and the sounds. The small town feel of it. This one didn't disappoint.
We brought the wheelchair for Sebastian, because I knew the uneven ground would make him nervous. We get looks with a kid in a wheelchair, but that's too be expected. A lady from SNAP took our family picture for the August paper. Who knows, maybe we will make it in. Sawyer and Geoff ate corn on the cob, Sebastian and I had fries, and we all had burgers. I bought raffle tickets and played quarter bingo (won $7, too!) Geoff and Sawyer went in the fun house, and Sawyer rode the train. We had a slice of pie made by ladies from the church. It was great.
And as we walk through, and I see the farmers, with their wives in their sundresses, and the old men with army tattoos, faded and blurred on their forearms, I can't help but be happy and grateful. We live in a place where were have access to big cities and all the conviences and amentities that go with that, but we also have the small town mentality. Where little kids, full of sugar and sun, can dodge in between the grown ups legs. Where the smell of vinegar and grease compete with popcorn and candy apples. Where the bingo tent caller can be heard across the grounds. Where the nickel raffle is lined up around the corner. I live in a town with grocery lotteries, and dunk tanks. With fish ponds and crown and anchor. People walk their dogs through the carnival and stop to let Sawyer see and pet.
I want my kids to know this part of their home town. I want them to understand how fucking important it is. It may be cheesy and horrible and expensive, but it represents so much more than that.
I can't seem to put into words what I am thinking and feeling. I'm gonna stop trying.
Gee, I love the carnival. :)
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for "not summer without it."
Most years, we do the circuit- Chippawa and Stamford in June, Optomist and St. David's in July. And any others we can find along the way. But this year, we have missed all but this one. I am glad we made it to this one though.
I love carnivals. I love the smells, the sights and the sounds. The small town feel of it. This one didn't disappoint.
We brought the wheelchair for Sebastian, because I knew the uneven ground would make him nervous. We get looks with a kid in a wheelchair, but that's too be expected. A lady from SNAP took our family picture for the August paper. Who knows, maybe we will make it in. Sawyer and Geoff ate corn on the cob, Sebastian and I had fries, and we all had burgers. I bought raffle tickets and played quarter bingo (won $7, too!) Geoff and Sawyer went in the fun house, and Sawyer rode the train. We had a slice of pie made by ladies from the church. It was great.
And as we walk through, and I see the farmers, with their wives in their sundresses, and the old men with army tattoos, faded and blurred on their forearms, I can't help but be happy and grateful. We live in a place where were have access to big cities and all the conviences and amentities that go with that, but we also have the small town mentality. Where little kids, full of sugar and sun, can dodge in between the grown ups legs. Where the smell of vinegar and grease compete with popcorn and candy apples. Where the bingo tent caller can be heard across the grounds. Where the nickel raffle is lined up around the corner. I live in a town with grocery lotteries, and dunk tanks. With fish ponds and crown and anchor. People walk their dogs through the carnival and stop to let Sawyer see and pet.
I want my kids to know this part of their home town. I want them to understand how fucking important it is. It may be cheesy and horrible and expensive, but it represents so much more than that.
I can't seem to put into words what I am thinking and feeling. I'm gonna stop trying.
Gee, I love the carnival. :)
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for "not summer without it."
My experiment- update
I posted about a week or so ago that I was taking the TVs away from the kids. And I did. It was interesting, because Sebastian hardly reacted to the actual removal of the TVs. He just said "We can watch TV later, right, Mommy?" And I agreed.
Sawyer on the other hand freaked out. I mean FREAKED. OUT. Like grabbing the cord and trying to pull the TV out of my hands. Following me into the basement (I stashed the TVs in Geoff's comic room), crying the whole way. Hitting me in the back. Trying to kick my ankles. Yeah, it was like that. And she really doesn't watch that much TV to begin with.
The one concession I made was that we could have TV time before bed. We take turns each night, and we get to pick the movie to watch. Sebastian had the first turn, and picked Justice League. Sawyer was next and picked Bolt. I went third and picked Beauty and the Beast. It seems to be going pretty well. Everyone sits and watches the movie in my bed. There is clean up time before hand, and if the bedrooms aren't clean, there is no TV.
The last couple of days has been a challenge. It has been super hot, and that has been limiting outside play, especially for Sebastian who tends to be more affected by the heat. With his leg, it is hard to find things for him to do, that are active and engaged, that will take his mind off the TV. So I have been a bit lax. Also, Geoff has been allowing him to play on the laptop. I am worried that he is going to trade one obsession for the other. I have had to lay down the law a couple of times this weekend in regards to the laptop, and there have been some tears.
I am trying not to get discouraged or lazy. I know it is a work in progress, and it will likely be a challenge from now until forever. But, I think it is worthwhile, and I am super proud of both of them.
Also, it makes days like yesterday extra special. We had a Toy Story marathon, and the kids loved it. Sawyer got out a broom and Sebastian's old cowboy hat and played cowgirl. Sebastian critiqued the merits of Toy Story 2 over Toy Story 3 (3 has a scary bear and is full of scary things. 2 has a big chicken/man which is apparently funnier.)
Anyway, we are gonna keep at it, and keep trying. Wish me luck!!
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for "new frontiers".
Sawyer on the other hand freaked out. I mean FREAKED. OUT. Like grabbing the cord and trying to pull the TV out of my hands. Following me into the basement (I stashed the TVs in Geoff's comic room), crying the whole way. Hitting me in the back. Trying to kick my ankles. Yeah, it was like that. And she really doesn't watch that much TV to begin with.
The one concession I made was that we could have TV time before bed. We take turns each night, and we get to pick the movie to watch. Sebastian had the first turn, and picked Justice League. Sawyer was next and picked Bolt. I went third and picked Beauty and the Beast. It seems to be going pretty well. Everyone sits and watches the movie in my bed. There is clean up time before hand, and if the bedrooms aren't clean, there is no TV.
The last couple of days has been a challenge. It has been super hot, and that has been limiting outside play, especially for Sebastian who tends to be more affected by the heat. With his leg, it is hard to find things for him to do, that are active and engaged, that will take his mind off the TV. So I have been a bit lax. Also, Geoff has been allowing him to play on the laptop. I am worried that he is going to trade one obsession for the other. I have had to lay down the law a couple of times this weekend in regards to the laptop, and there have been some tears.
I am trying not to get discouraged or lazy. I know it is a work in progress, and it will likely be a challenge from now until forever. But, I think it is worthwhile, and I am super proud of both of them.
Also, it makes days like yesterday extra special. We had a Toy Story marathon, and the kids loved it. Sawyer got out a broom and Sebastian's old cowboy hat and played cowgirl. Sebastian critiqued the merits of Toy Story 2 over Toy Story 3 (3 has a scary bear and is full of scary things. 2 has a big chicken/man which is apparently funnier.)
Anyway, we are gonna keep at it, and keep trying. Wish me luck!!
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for "new frontiers".
Thursday, July 21, 2011
As much as I love the summer time, it brings one of my biggest fears to the forefront.
I hate them. Alot.
My ceiling was covered in moving black spots. Baby spiders. Hundreds of them.

Now I am sure that my imagination has exaggerated the number. I'm sure. But to this day, I occassionally have nightmares where I am walking through rooms or hallways, with spiders dropping from the ceiling into my hair. It is horrifying.
I try to be brave for my kids. I don't want them to adopt my fears. I don't want to freak them out.
Last week, we had another group of baby spiders in the front hall. I was running out for groceries when I saw them. I yelled to Geoff to please kill them. When I got back, they were still there. It hurt my feelings that he didn't take me seriously enough to kill them before I got home (I was only gone about 15 minutes or so). He tends to roll his eyes alot and sigh heavily when I call him, yet again, to kill a spider. I know he thinks it is stupid. So I try not to bother him with it. And that night, as I climbed on the chair and worked my way around the hall, squishing the stupid little fuckers with a kleenex, I was a little bitter. But oh well...I guess it just makes me stronger.
I am a true arachnophobe. I get nervous when I see a spider. My heart does a funny skip and my breath catches, if I think it is going to jump at me. I have put enough thought into it that I realize it is the legs that creep me out. Daddy Longlegs don't seem to bother me as much, since they have skinny little legs and small bodies. It's the big thick hairy legs and the huge bodies that freak me out.
I hate them. Alot.
Today, when Sebastian got his cast done, the tech and I were talking. His girlfriend is afraid of spiders as well. He asked if I have spider sense. I knew exactly what he was talking about. I can walk into any room, and spot the spider almost instantaneously. I scan the corners of every room, looking for spiders. I can see them when no one else can.
I have a memory- I am not sure if it is real, or if I have modified it over the years. I remember laying in my bed, I was about 6 or 7, I think. The hall light was on, and my dad came to the door, either to say good night, or to see if I was asleep. I remember him saying something like "Oh my god" or something like that. He called for my mother, and came into the room. Very quickly, he shook me awake, gathered me up and shooshed me into the hallway. As I stood in the hallway, I saw my mom come running, and my dad flicked on my light.
My ceiling was covered in moving black spots. Baby spiders. Hundreds of them.

Now I am sure that my imagination has exaggerated the number. I'm sure. But to this day, I occassionally have nightmares where I am walking through rooms or hallways, with spiders dropping from the ceiling into my hair. It is horrifying.
I try to be brave for my kids. I don't want them to adopt my fears. I don't want to freak them out.
When Sawyer was still a newborn, I had my own batch of baby spiders. She was asleep in the cradle in my room, and I think Sebastian was napping in his room. On my way to the bathroom, I looked up (as I always do- scanning for spiders) and saw these weird dots. Sure enough, dozens of baby spiders covered the walls and ceiling of the hallway. I ran into the bathroom and shut the door. After about 10 seconds of sheer and utter panic, I gave my head a shake. The only- ONLY- thing that got me to go back into that hallway, was the thought of those spiders finding my kids. I was brave for them. I know this is ridiculous, and sounds melodramatic, but I felt brave when I killed them. It was so hard for me, but I did it for my kids.

I have a weird habit of killing spiders and leaving their bodies on the wall or ceiling as a kind of warning to other spiders, that this is a bad place for them. They will die here, and should just stay away. I don't know if it works. But I hope it does.
So if you ever come to my house, and see dead spiders, you know it isn't neglectful house keeping. It is my "No Tresspassing" sign.
And if I ever ask you to kill one for me, do me a favour. Just do it. I will be ever thankful.
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for "no good for nuthin'."
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Farm it out
So, if you have read any of my blogs at all, you know about how I feel about going north, cottages, cities, etc. I have made no secret of it.
I work with a girl who I am still getting to know. She is very nice and sweet, a super hard worker and smart as a whip. She also owns a farm.
I am so jealous, I could spit.
I have been thinking about cottages, etc, but I am starting to change my focus. She maintains this other property, but still lives down here. So it can be done.
I can already see it in my mind. An open tiny home. No TV. No computer. A porch, a wild berry patch. A tire swing, a brook. Corn or hay, that shines in the sun and waves like water in the breeze. I can smell honeysuckle, and wild grasses and fresh turned earth. I can hear cows lowing, smelling their smells.
I can see my kids playing in the yard, scratched and bare in places. I can see walks, and work. An outhouse.
I think I am going to send her an email today, and maybe take her to lunch this week. Pick her brain a little. Find out more about her and her special farm.
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for "not now, but maybe soon."
I work with a girl who I am still getting to know. She is very nice and sweet, a super hard worker and smart as a whip. She also owns a farm.
She grew up rural, and moved to this area when she was older. Her husband's job is here, and since he is very successful at what he does, they stay here. But her heart and soul is on her farm.
She owns acres of land in the Chatham (I think! But might be wrong!) area. She sharecrops the land, to help provide an income. She has a pond, which is dried up right now, and a house made of straw. Seriously, it is made of straw as insulation. It doesn't have any electricity, or indoor plumbing. She has a dug well, and a dirt laneway.
I have seen a few pictures, and heard her talk about it. She calls it her special place. She and her husband go there, no one else. It is sacred and special, and her peace resides there.
I am so jealous, I could spit.
I can see my kids playing in the yard, scratched and bare in places. I can see walks, and work. An outhouse.
It makes my heart ache. In a good way.
I think I am going to send her an email today, and maybe take her to lunch this week. Pick her brain a little. Find out more about her and her special farm.
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for "not now, but maybe soon."
The Creek
I introduced my kids to Chippawa Creek today.
First things first- it's pronounced Crick- not Creek. I don't know why, that's just the way it is, the way it has always been. My dad grew up beside it, and my grandparents lived near it. It's always been Chip'wa Crick. And it always will be. If you call it a creek (which Geoff sometimes does), I know that you didn't grow up around here, and that you don't really know the area.
We went to the one area, near the bridge. There were others there, canoeing, fishing, napping. Sebastian, because of his cast, was set up in a chair, with a blanket spread out in case he wanted to stretch out. Sawyer and I went to the water's edge. I went in first, with Axle on the leash, to ease him in. Within 20 seconds, the dog was in and ready to play. We found a stick (as opposed to the tree branch Axle wanted to play with) that we could throw and he would fetch, over and over. I was a little nervous, because some of the boats were coming in really close to shore, and were going really fast. We kept him close to shore, but he got a chance to leave the bottom and actually swim.
Sawyer of course wanted in the water. I know Sawyer. She would be in for about 10 seconds before she fell over and got completely soaked. But, I felt it was important somehow for her to be in. So, off came the boots and in the water she went. She was good, respectful of the water. She squished her toes, and kicked the rocks. She touched with her hands. My pretty girl closed her eyes and stood with her toes in the water, and the sun on her face. I asked her if she liked it.
"Yes mommy. I like the water. I feel like a butterfly."
:) I don't know why it was a butterfly. But I didn't care. She was being introduced to it. She was feeling it and getting it.
We threw the stick and let the dog shake off the water. Sawyer roamed and wandered. She found the rainforest (how she knows that word, I have no idea. My best guess is Diego and Dora.) and so many "treasures" (rocks, sticks, a golden leaf and an old broken lighter.)
We got windblown, and both kids peed in the bush (well, beside it). Axle ran and played, until he was calm and satisfied. There was sun on our cheeks and our shoulders. Sebastian has freckles and Sawyer has apple-bloom on hers.
They loved it. Sebastian asked to come home once. I told him it was enough, and to not do that anymore. And he didn't. We chased butterflies. Axle saw another dog, but just raised his head, looked. He heaved a sigh, then rolled over and stretched out again.
I was really happy myself. I knew the smells that I was smelling. I knew the sights, the sounds. I was there, when I was 5, 15, 25, 35. My son, my daughter, my dog...they were all there with me. We felt the energy of the trees, and the water, and the people around us. We were present in the moment.
We are going to have to do that again.
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for "natural inclination."
First things first- it's pronounced Crick- not Creek. I don't know why, that's just the way it is, the way it has always been. My dad grew up beside it, and my grandparents lived near it. It's always been Chip'wa Crick. And it always will be. If you call it a creek (which Geoff sometimes does), I know that you didn't grow up around here, and that you don't really know the area.
The Creek was a big part of my childhood. I would go fishing down there, or Grassy Brooks. When my dad had a boat, we would go for rides there. I would walk my dogs (Princess and Pixon) from my parents house, down to the back road, for walks and swims and hikes. I swam in the water, jumped off the bridges, picnicked on the banks. I know the road like the back of my hand.
So, today, I baptised my kids and my dog in the waters of my childhood. :) In an awesomely non religious way.
:) I don't know why it was a butterfly. But I didn't care. She was being introduced to it. She was feeling it and getting it.
After I lifted her out, I turned around and Sebastian was standing there. I was nervous that he was scared that we had walked away (still in eyeshot, just about 10 feet away), but he wasn't. He was grinning. "I want the water too, mommy." My poor boy, he couldn't get in the water. But I dribbled the water on his legs, and his hands and arms.
We threw the stick and let the dog shake off the water. Sawyer roamed and wandered. She found the rainforest (how she knows that word, I have no idea. My best guess is Diego and Dora.) and so many "treasures" (rocks, sticks, a golden leaf and an old broken lighter.)
We got windblown, and both kids peed in the bush (well, beside it). Axle ran and played, until he was calm and satisfied. There was sun on our cheeks and our shoulders. Sebastian has freckles and Sawyer has apple-bloom on hers.
They loved it. Sebastian asked to come home once. I told him it was enough, and to not do that anymore. And he didn't. We chased butterflies. Axle saw another dog, but just raised his head, looked. He heaved a sigh, then rolled over and stretched out again.
I was really happy myself. I knew the smells that I was smelling. I knew the sights, the sounds. I was there, when I was 5, 15, 25, 35. My son, my daughter, my dog...they were all there with me. We felt the energy of the trees, and the water, and the people around us. We were present in the moment.
We are going to have to do that again.
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for "natural inclination."
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Just a couple of updates:
Potty Training- today we have Poop!!!
Sawyer went #2 in the potty for the very first time ever today. All I had to do was promise her an ice cream cone. She has been doing amazing with going pee and has even started waking up in the night to go pee. She sometimes wets the bed but that's ok. We are well stocked with bed pads.
I am so proud of her. She desparately wants to go to school and told me immediatly after she pooped that she "can go to my school now." What a doll.
Broken leg- starting to walk again!
Sebastian was recast last week and they changed the position of his foot. Because of that, he stopped walking. It is in an awkward position (for him) so he feels very unstable and unsafe. But finally he has started trying and is walking better now. He goes back again this Thursday, and they will probably recast again (hello red cast, good bye $60).
Other than that, he is doing really well when it comes to his cast. We give him baths with his leg in a bag, hanging out of the tub. He seems pretty happy with that.
Fairy Garden- coming along!
I got some teacups and saucers today that we are going to use in the garden. They can be a dining room table for a fairy dinner party, or a little pool for a fairy swim. I thought they would add some fun and variety to the garden. I also got a fun Princess box. It is going in the garden and Sawyer will have to check it periodically. Any new fun stuff or new fairies will be in the box. She already knows that it is magic- her magic box. (I already know for Sebastian's garden, I will do the same thing. But I want to bury the box, with the lid at ground level, with an X on top. X marks the spot for treasure, you know. )
It hink that's about it...good times, so far!
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for "news".
Potty Training- today we have Poop!!!
Sawyer went #2 in the potty for the very first time ever today. All I had to do was promise her an ice cream cone. She has been doing amazing with going pee and has even started waking up in the night to go pee. She sometimes wets the bed but that's ok. We are well stocked with bed pads.
I am so proud of her. She desparately wants to go to school and told me immediatly after she pooped that she "can go to my school now." What a doll.
Broken leg- starting to walk again!
Sebastian was recast last week and they changed the position of his foot. Because of that, he stopped walking. It is in an awkward position (for him) so he feels very unstable and unsafe. But finally he has started trying and is walking better now. He goes back again this Thursday, and they will probably recast again (hello red cast, good bye $60).
Other than that, he is doing really well when it comes to his cast. We give him baths with his leg in a bag, hanging out of the tub. He seems pretty happy with that.
Fairy Garden- coming along!
I got some teacups and saucers today that we are going to use in the garden. They can be a dining room table for a fairy dinner party, or a little pool for a fairy swim. I thought they would add some fun and variety to the garden. I also got a fun Princess box. It is going in the garden and Sawyer will have to check it periodically. Any new fun stuff or new fairies will be in the box. She already knows that it is magic- her magic box. (I already know for Sebastian's garden, I will do the same thing. But I want to bury the box, with the lid at ground level, with an X on top. X marks the spot for treasure, you know. )
It hink that's about it...good times, so far!
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for "news".
Sunday, July 10, 2011
my experiment
I think I have talked before about Sebastian's addiction to TV. I know I have. Ad nauseum.
I was recently inpsired by a blog I came across. This woman tries to live as simply as possible, keeping life simple and basic. She has no tv in her home, her children play with simple toys and the driving force of their play is imagination.
I have been very frustrated for a long time about the mess and clutter in my home. The kids have so many toys. They are everywhere. Try as I might, I can't get them organized and it is a never ending battle, a battle that I am ultimately losing.
Through this blog, I found a book that I am going to read- 2 books actually.
Simplicity Parenting - “This book is a wake-call for all of us who have misjudged what children need and can handle, and who have wandered so far from the best practices that we are raising neurologically damaged and emotionally stunted human beings as a result. Simplicity Parenting arises from dialogues with real people, from their questions and their needs. Kim John Payne is sharp, funny, and wise, and–best of all–he has something shattering but positive to say to an America that is struggling to know how to live."
Last summer, we were scheduled within an inch of our lives. I have learned a lesson, or at least, I am trying to learn. This year, I am trying to let my kids be kids. I let them get dirty every day, I am trying to not spend money, but rather spend time and effort and emotion on my kids. I hope it is working. I think this might be a good help.
I was recently inpsired by a blog I came across. This woman tries to live as simply as possible, keeping life simple and basic. She has no tv in her home, her children play with simple toys and the driving force of their play is imagination.
I have been very frustrated for a long time about the mess and clutter in my home. The kids have so many toys. They are everywhere. Try as I might, I can't get them organized and it is a never ending battle, a battle that I am ultimately losing.
Through this blog, I found a book that I am going to read- 2 books actually.
Simplicity Parenting - “This book is a wake-call for all of us who have misjudged what children need and can handle, and who have wandered so far from the best practices that we are raising neurologically damaged and emotionally stunted human beings as a result. Simplicity Parenting arises from dialogues with real people, from their questions and their needs. Kim John Payne is sharp, funny, and wise, and–best of all–he has something shattering but positive to say to an America that is struggling to know how to live."
Last summer, we were scheduled within an inch of our lives. I have learned a lesson, or at least, I am trying to learn. This year, I am trying to let my kids be kids. I let them get dirty every day, I am trying to not spend money, but rather spend time and effort and emotion on my kids. I hope it is working. I think this might be a good help.
Who would you be if you felt at peace and had more time and money? An organized life enables you to have more freedom, less aggravation, better health, and to get more done. One Year to an Organized Life is a unique week-by-week approach that you can begin at any time of year. Master time management. Make your kitchen efficient. Permanently organize closets and drawers. Deal with your finances. Reclaim “dumping grounds” like the guest room, garage and basement. Declutter the kids’ rooms. Organize your travel plans-and the vacation photos and souvenirs. Entertain with joy. Whether you’re living in chaos or just looking for new ways to simplify, this essential book will help you get the whole household organized-and stay that way.
My sister in law has offered to help us with this. And when I am ready, I will take her up on that.
My big experiment however revolves around the TV. I am removing the TVs from the kid's rooms. I know, I know, judge me all you want. Both kids have a TV and DVD in their room. Maybe that makes me a bad parent, but whatever.
Starting tomorrow, I am taking the TVs. I am anticipating this will be very difficult for both of them, but moreso, for Sebastian. This may sound silly, but the basis of his life right now is TV. He loses sleep over it, he obsesses over it. If we go out, he wants to come home to watch TV. He has gotten out of school, playing sick, just so he can come home and watch. He doesn't watch live TV, but his movies. With 80-90%of his focus on his TV, I know that this change is going to be very difficult for him. But, we are going to try. I think we have to.
So, wish me luck, keep your judgements to yourself!! :)
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for "new world order."
Friday, July 8, 2011
Class and Culture
For the past 3 years, a group of my friends and I have attended the Shakespeare in the Vineyard plays, at Henry of Pelham Winery in St. Catharines.
It started because the proceeds go to the Niagara Peninsula Children's Centre. Sebastian spent his first (and best!) 4 years of school there. The people are amazing, the principal and teachers are so kind and welcoming. They spoiled me for other schools. Whenever we go back there, Sebastian is treated like a rockstar. People are literally leaving their classrooms and running into the halls to say hi and hug him. I see some of the teachers and EA's out and about now, and they always hug me and remember me and the kids and all kinds of things. It is a true community feeling, very giving and warm. It makes me not like Sebastian's current school that much more- but that is another story, for another time.
Anyway, I did (and still do) support pretty much anything that involved the NPCC, and this seemed fun and cool and kind of cultured, plus it benefitted one of my favorite places in the world. I asked some friends if they might be interested in going. To my relief, they immediately said yes!
I know Shakespeare isn't for everyone. I haven't read all his plays, but I have my favorites. Taming of the Shrew, Romeo and Juliet are 2 that come immediately to mind. The last 2 years, I haven't known the plays as well, that were preformed at SitV, but this year, to my absolute delight, they are performing Midsummer Night's Dream, one of my very, very favorites!!
I was a little intimidated by going to see Shakespeare. I can usually puzzle it out when I read it, and while I might not understand every word, I can catch the drift and meaning of the play. I can recognize what is funny and what is not and enjoy the story. But watching it live, without the benefit of reading and re-reading, I was worried I would get lost and not understand what was going on. I was also nervous that everyone else would hate it and me, because it was my idea to go see something that made us all feel like idiots.
Sooooo not the case. It is actually very easy to follow along. For anyone intimidated by this, I highly reccommend you go and try it. Last year was Twelth Night. I had never read it, knew nothing about the play, but it was hilarious and wonderful. The first year was....I honestly can't remember. Crap! Anyway, we still had fun, enough fun that it has now become an annual event.
So, as I embark on my Shakespearian adventure with my lovely ladies, Lynnie and Dawn, I will bid you all adieu.
"My heart is true as steel." Act II, Scene 1.
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for "Nick Bottom, who else?"
It started because the proceeds go to the Niagara Peninsula Children's Centre. Sebastian spent his first (and best!) 4 years of school there. The people are amazing, the principal and teachers are so kind and welcoming. They spoiled me for other schools. Whenever we go back there, Sebastian is treated like a rockstar. People are literally leaving their classrooms and running into the halls to say hi and hug him. I see some of the teachers and EA's out and about now, and they always hug me and remember me and the kids and all kinds of things. It is a true community feeling, very giving and warm. It makes me not like Sebastian's current school that much more- but that is another story, for another time.
Anyway, I did (and still do) support pretty much anything that involved the NPCC, and this seemed fun and cool and kind of cultured, plus it benefitted one of my favorite places in the world. I asked some friends if they might be interested in going. To my relief, they immediately said yes!
I know Shakespeare isn't for everyone. I haven't read all his plays, but I have my favorites. Taming of the Shrew, Romeo and Juliet are 2 that come immediately to mind. The last 2 years, I haven't known the plays as well, that were preformed at SitV, but this year, to my absolute delight, they are performing Midsummer Night's Dream, one of my very, very favorites!!
I was a little intimidated by going to see Shakespeare. I can usually puzzle it out when I read it, and while I might not understand every word, I can catch the drift and meaning of the play. I can recognize what is funny and what is not and enjoy the story. But watching it live, without the benefit of reading and re-reading, I was worried I would get lost and not understand what was going on. I was also nervous that everyone else would hate it and me, because it was my idea to go see something that made us all feel like idiots.
Sooooo not the case. It is actually very easy to follow along. For anyone intimidated by this, I highly reccommend you go and try it. Last year was Twelth Night. I had never read it, knew nothing about the play, but it was hilarious and wonderful. The first year was....I honestly can't remember. Crap! Anyway, we still had fun, enough fun that it has now become an annual event.
So, as I embark on my Shakespearian adventure with my lovely ladies, Lynnie and Dawn, I will bid you all adieu.
"My heart is true as steel." Act II, Scene 1.
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for "Nick Bottom, who else?"
Hootin' it up
Tomorrow is a show for our photos. We are going to be a vendor at the Hot Rod Hootenanny, on St. Paul St. in St. Catharines. I have never even been to the show, let alone sold at it. So, it should be interesting. They have lots of rockabilly bands, and cool cars. I am pretty sure there is a bar there. :) :)
Geoff is working, because his job is stupid. So Dawn is coming with me. I feel super bad, since she works midnights tonight and tomorrow night, and she is going to stay up with me all day. She could have said no, so don't blame me.
One on the funniest things was that I posted on our Cracked Lens Facebook Page that we were going to the Hootenanny tomorrow and that Dawn "StupidGirl" Rousseau would be appearing live and in person. Geoff's mom commented, and said "is that because she is working all night and then working all day with you tomorrow?"
The reason it is funny is because I was actually referring to a photo that Dawn is featured in. The photo is called StupidGirl. But Geoff's mom just thinks she is dumb.
I laughed out loud at that one. :) Good one, Kathy!
So, we are gonna give it a go. I really, really don't expect to sell much of anything tomorrow. But, it might be good exposure, and it will be nice to sit out in the sun, or whatever and listen to some good music. I am bringing the Neck Candy necklaces that Barb gave me to sell at work, and I will try and sell some of them off too. Maybe the necklaces will attract more people to the table, so I can get them to buy my junk.
I am starting to look forward to and planning for Fan Expo. I can't wait to see our friends Emily and her husband and My Ghoul Friday and everyone else. It is always a good time and we always meet amazing people. I am gonna book the hotel this weekend, and we are gonna do our best to get t-shirts made. Our good and talented friend, Kurt is helping us with the designs. I hope they do well.
We haven't taken any new pictures this summer. We have tons of ideas and plans, what we are short on is time. Oh well, no biggie. I need to sell of some of my inventory anyway!
So, if you are out and about tomorrow, and have nothing better to do, come on by and share a beer with me and Dawnie. We will be waitin' for y'all.
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for N'er do wells.
Geoff is working, because his job is stupid. So Dawn is coming with me. I feel super bad, since she works midnights tonight and tomorrow night, and she is going to stay up with me all day. She could have said no, so don't blame me.
One on the funniest things was that I posted on our Cracked Lens Facebook Page that we were going to the Hootenanny tomorrow and that Dawn "StupidGirl" Rousseau would be appearing live and in person. Geoff's mom commented, and said "is that because she is working all night and then working all day with you tomorrow?"
The reason it is funny is because I was actually referring to a photo that Dawn is featured in. The photo is called StupidGirl. But Geoff's mom just thinks she is dumb.
I laughed out loud at that one. :) Good one, Kathy!
So, we are gonna give it a go. I really, really don't expect to sell much of anything tomorrow. But, it might be good exposure, and it will be nice to sit out in the sun, or whatever and listen to some good music. I am bringing the Neck Candy necklaces that Barb gave me to sell at work, and I will try and sell some of them off too. Maybe the necklaces will attract more people to the table, so I can get them to buy my junk.
I am starting to look forward to and planning for Fan Expo. I can't wait to see our friends Emily and her husband and My Ghoul Friday and everyone else. It is always a good time and we always meet amazing people. I am gonna book the hotel this weekend, and we are gonna do our best to get t-shirts made. Our good and talented friend, Kurt is helping us with the designs. I hope they do well.
We haven't taken any new pictures this summer. We have tons of ideas and plans, what we are short on is time. Oh well, no biggie. I need to sell of some of my inventory anyway!
So, if you are out and about tomorrow, and have nothing better to do, come on by and share a beer with me and Dawnie. We will be waitin' for y'all.
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for N'er do wells.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Fairies Welcome Here
I posted the other day that I wanted to build a fairy garden. I have been thinking about it ever since, so today, we started.
This is the garden I picked for our first fairy garden. I want to do one for Sawyer and one for Sebastian. This one is Sawyer's.
This is a wagon full of plants I picked up. I looked for low to the ground, smaller plants, more suitable for a fairy world. I included:
Fairy Garden!! It is just started, and has a ways to go, but I am excited to just be starting. I churned up the earth underneath, which is very tough and clay-y. I laid newspaper, to dampen down the weeds and then laid some top soil. I need more, but had enough for now. You can see the path I cleared, which will eventually be a path to the cottage.
I saw the "giant" shoe at the nursery, and thought it fit right in. I planted ivy in it, and I hope it will grow out and spread. The candles are going to be through the whole garden, hanging and planted. I am hoping to get LCD lights, have mason jars filled with sand and tealights, all kinds of stuff.
So far, most of the stuff I have in there is stuff we had around the house. The fairy was a gift to Sawyer on her first Christmas from Geoff and Sebastian. The birdhouse was one my dad gave me. I want to build a fence, and I figure I can use all the spent matches that I will be using to light the candles in the garden. As you can see, it took me 6 tries this time.
This will be the path leading up to the cottage. You can see the news paper that I laid underneath. I laid sand on it for now, but I want to get rocks, or pebbles or glass stones or something. It would be perfect if I could get cobble stone, or something like that.
Sawyer (in her big girl underwear and winter boots) checking out her fairy garden. She thinks this is a rocking good idea.
This is the other side of the porch. This will be Sebastian's garden. I am thinking pirates or knights, or something like that. Can't wait!!
This is the garden I picked for our first fairy garden. I want to do one for Sawyer and one for Sebastian. This one is Sawyer's.
This is a wagon full of plants I picked up. I looked for low to the ground, smaller plants, more suitable for a fairy world. I included:
- Flowering Kale in Kamome Pink
- Irish Moss
- Stevia rebaudiana- this herb is apparently 20-40 times more sweeter than suger cane and can be used as a suger substitute. I am going to read up more about it, but I think it would be cool to make ice tea with special fairy plants.
- Sanvitalia
- Lemon thyme
- Hot pink Purslane
- Yubi yellow portulaca
- Speedwell
- Curry
- Rosemary
Fairy Garden!! It is just started, and has a ways to go, but I am excited to just be starting. I churned up the earth underneath, which is very tough and clay-y. I laid newspaper, to dampen down the weeds and then laid some top soil. I need more, but had enough for now. You can see the path I cleared, which will eventually be a path to the cottage.
I saw the "giant" shoe at the nursery, and thought it fit right in. I planted ivy in it, and I hope it will grow out and spread. The candles are going to be through the whole garden, hanging and planted. I am hoping to get LCD lights, have mason jars filled with sand and tealights, all kinds of stuff.
So far, most of the stuff I have in there is stuff we had around the house. The fairy was a gift to Sawyer on her first Christmas from Geoff and Sebastian. The birdhouse was one my dad gave me. I want to build a fence, and I figure I can use all the spent matches that I will be using to light the candles in the garden. As you can see, it took me 6 tries this time.
This will be the path leading up to the cottage. You can see the news paper that I laid underneath. I laid sand on it for now, but I want to get rocks, or pebbles or glass stones or something. It would be perfect if I could get cobble stone, or something like that.
Sawyer (in her big girl underwear and winter boots) checking out her fairy garden. She thinks this is a rocking good idea.
I will keep everyone updated as this comes along!
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for "Neverland."
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Update on my "To Do" List
1. Take the kids to the beach at least once.
2. Go to the Zoo.
3.Use our season passes to Zooz like crazy. Get our money's worth and more.
4. Have family BBQ's at least once a month.
5. Have a blast at our White Trash party.
6. Sleep in the tent with the kids...even if it is just in the backyard.
7.Keep the grass and the hedge trimmed and neat.
8.Plant flowers.
9. Make salsa from ingredients I have grown in my garden.
10. Play outside...A LOT!!
11. Get a pool for the kids. But mainly for me. :)
12. Ride a roller coaster.
13. Make suntea.
14. Go to a carnival. Play bingo. Eat burgers and cotton candy.
15. Ride a horse.
16. Run through the sprinkler with the kids.
17. Walk on the treadmill every day.
18. Reconnect with an old friend.
19. Take lots of pictures.
20. Play hookie from work, for one afternoon.
21. Get a tattoo.
22. Get a pedicure.
23. Have a sleep over with Sawyer in her bed.
24. Have a day of fun with Sebastian- just me and him.
25. Same thing as above, with Sawyer.
26.See Gage graduate from Grade 8.
27. Clean up Grandma and Grandpa's grave. Plant flowers for them.
28. Go down a waterslide.
29. Play baseball.
30.Get a sunburn (not a bad one, just enought for freckles.)
31.Go fishing with Dad.
32.Have beers on a patio
33. Wash the cars.
34. Find fireflies.
35. Go garagesale-ing.
36.Go to the drive-in, eat tons of popcorn and junk.
37.Find a dog park for Axle, and let him go crazy.
38.Go on a road trip. Even if it is just a day.
39.Watch fireworks.
40. Eat watermelon with Sebastian.
41. Have the driveway covered with drawings in sidewalk chalk. Courtesy of Miss Sawyer.
42. Teach Axle to catch a frisbee.
43. Laugh so hard I cry. And maybe pee a little.
44. Sit by a fire, making spider dogs.
45. Have fresh flowers in my house, as often as I can.
46. Fly a kite.
47. Buy good sandals.
48.Take a nap, even if the laundry isn't done and the dishes are dirty.
49.Sleep in. But not on the same day as #48.
50. Read an awesome book. Share it with everyone
2. Go to the Zoo.
4. Have family BBQ's at least once a month.
5. Have a blast at our White Trash party.
6. Sleep in the tent with the kids...even if it is just in the backyard.
9. Make salsa from ingredients I have grown in my garden.
10. Play outside...A LOT!!
11. Get a pool for the kids. But mainly for me. :)
12. Ride a roller coaster.
13. Make suntea.
14. Go to a carnival. Play bingo. Eat burgers and cotton candy.
15. Ride a horse.
16. Run through the sprinkler with the kids.
17. Walk on the treadmill every day.
18. Reconnect with an old friend.
19. Take lots of pictures.
20. Play hookie from work, for one afternoon.
21. Get a tattoo.
22. Get a pedicure.
23. Have a sleep over with Sawyer in her bed.
24. Have a day of fun with Sebastian- just me and him.
25. Same thing as above, with Sawyer.
27. Clean up Grandma and Grandpa's grave. Plant flowers for them.
28. Go down a waterslide.
29. Play baseball.
33. Wash the cars.
34. Find fireflies.
35. Go garagesale-ing.
40. Eat watermelon with Sebastian.
41. Have the driveway covered with drawings in sidewalk chalk. Courtesy of Miss Sawyer.
42. Teach Axle to catch a frisbee.
43. Laugh so hard I cry. And maybe pee a little.
44. Sit by a fire, making spider dogs.
45. Have fresh flowers in my house, as often as I can.
46. Fly a kite.
47. Buy good sandals.
50. Read an awesome book. Share it with everyone
Fairy Gardens
Inspiration has struck. I cyber stalk someone's blog- someone I have never met, but I find her blog fascinating. She had a post recently, and through that I linked into another blog, and discovered my summer project.
I want to build a fairy garden. I have the perfect place- 2, actually, they are the wasted garden space on either side of the deck stairs. I want to build a fairy garden in each, one geared to Sawyer and one to Sebastian. I am excited to start, I think it will be wonderful and beautiful and fun.
I will post pictures soon, of the before, the during and the after. :)
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for "new, new, new."
Friday, July 1, 2011
long weekend!
Yeah for the long weekend!!!
Geoff is working, so that sucks, but I am planning on making as much of it as I possibly can. Sebastian is finally done school, so no commitments, no early mornings!! :oD
Thursday nights, after work, I spent some time tidying up, so that I wouldn't have as much to do today. I used my electric broom and cleaned up the dog hair and cat hair and leaves and crumbs and dust. I did dishes and laundry and cooked dinner. I cleaned the bathroom, and straightened the bedrooms. It was nice to wake up this morning and have that done.
Yesterday morning, Sebastian got his new cast (GREEN!!!) and got a boot so that he can walk on it. YIPPEEEEEEE!! He told me as soon as I go home that he could walk on it now, so even he is really excited. So, we spent some time admiring the new cast and colour, his dirty toes and his ability to walk around. We oohed and ahhed when appropriate.
This morning, I slept in a bit, until about 830. I made breakfast for the kids and we snuggled together for a bit. I helped Sebastian pick out his clothes and get dressed, and then began my sneak attack on Sawyer.
You see, I have an ulterior motive this weekend. It's potty training weekend. By the end of my weekend (I am off on Monday and Tuesday too) I want Sawyer using the potty regularily and wearing big girl underwear, even just during the day. She has been VERY resistant in the past months, so I had my mind set for a battle.
However, over the past couple of days, she has been doing pretty good. She has peed in the potty at least twice a day for the last 3 days. She is even talking about going poo in the potty. So I am optomistic.
So, we started today with my little pony underwear, shorts and a t-shirt. We went outside and helped Papa trim the trees. Daddy came out and we filled the tires on the bikes, and Sawyer started riding her trike. She was actually doing it, but as soon as I would cheer, she would either forget to steer, pedal or both. So we have more work to do, obviously. While we were out there, she had an accident, so we changed to Dora underwear, another pair of shorts and kept the t-shirt.
Shortly after that, we came in to have lunch, and Geoff went to work. We read some stories, and played a little bit. She helped me with laundry and we watched some tv with Sebastian. I went into the bathroom to tidy up and that is of course when Sawyer decided to pee in Sebastian's room. So, now we are on to a different pair of Dora underwear, no shorts, no shirt. She had her nap like that and stayed dry as a bone. I am watching her like a hawk, cause I know another flood is coming.
Tomorrow we are going to a BBQ at a friend's house. I haven't really seen much of my friend's lately, or at least it seems that way. I am trying to be frugal, and I really, really hate asking my parents to watch my kids. Geoff's mom is out of town this weekend, but I hate to saddle her with both of them too. I have said yes to a couple of things coming up, and I am having second thoughts now. Oh, well, we will see. Anyway, I did ask my parents, and they did say yes, so we are going to this BBQ tomorrow and it should be nice weather, a good time to sit outside and chill. Sunday we are going to either the Toronto Zoo or Zooz. Monday I am fishing with my dad, and Tuesday will be my running around and getting things done day- like Sebastian's blood work, bringing in the taxes, filling out my benefits, getting ready for the next photo show, etc, etc, etc.
So, as my long weekend is beginning, I am wishing all of you a safe and happy weekend. Enjoy the summer!
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for "Now, the fun starts."
Geoff is working, so that sucks, but I am planning on making as much of it as I possibly can. Sebastian is finally done school, so no commitments, no early mornings!! :oD
Thursday nights, after work, I spent some time tidying up, so that I wouldn't have as much to do today. I used my electric broom and cleaned up the dog hair and cat hair and leaves and crumbs and dust. I did dishes and laundry and cooked dinner. I cleaned the bathroom, and straightened the bedrooms. It was nice to wake up this morning and have that done.
Yesterday morning, Sebastian got his new cast (GREEN!!!) and got a boot so that he can walk on it. YIPPEEEEEEE!! He told me as soon as I go home that he could walk on it now, so even he is really excited. So, we spent some time admiring the new cast and colour, his dirty toes and his ability to walk around. We oohed and ahhed when appropriate.
This morning, I slept in a bit, until about 830. I made breakfast for the kids and we snuggled together for a bit. I helped Sebastian pick out his clothes and get dressed, and then began my sneak attack on Sawyer.
You see, I have an ulterior motive this weekend. It's potty training weekend. By the end of my weekend (I am off on Monday and Tuesday too) I want Sawyer using the potty regularily and wearing big girl underwear, even just during the day. She has been VERY resistant in the past months, so I had my mind set for a battle.
However, over the past couple of days, she has been doing pretty good. She has peed in the potty at least twice a day for the last 3 days. She is even talking about going poo in the potty. So I am optomistic.
So, we started today with my little pony underwear, shorts and a t-shirt. We went outside and helped Papa trim the trees. Daddy came out and we filled the tires on the bikes, and Sawyer started riding her trike. She was actually doing it, but as soon as I would cheer, she would either forget to steer, pedal or both. So we have more work to do, obviously. While we were out there, she had an accident, so we changed to Dora underwear, another pair of shorts and kept the t-shirt.
Shortly after that, we came in to have lunch, and Geoff went to work. We read some stories, and played a little bit. She helped me with laundry and we watched some tv with Sebastian. I went into the bathroom to tidy up and that is of course when Sawyer decided to pee in Sebastian's room. So, now we are on to a different pair of Dora underwear, no shorts, no shirt. She had her nap like that and stayed dry as a bone. I am watching her like a hawk, cause I know another flood is coming.
Tomorrow we are going to a BBQ at a friend's house. I haven't really seen much of my friend's lately, or at least it seems that way. I am trying to be frugal, and I really, really hate asking my parents to watch my kids. Geoff's mom is out of town this weekend, but I hate to saddle her with both of them too. I have said yes to a couple of things coming up, and I am having second thoughts now. Oh, well, we will see. Anyway, I did ask my parents, and they did say yes, so we are going to this BBQ tomorrow and it should be nice weather, a good time to sit outside and chill. Sunday we are going to either the Toronto Zoo or Zooz. Monday I am fishing with my dad, and Tuesday will be my running around and getting things done day- like Sebastian's blood work, bringing in the taxes, filling out my benefits, getting ready for the next photo show, etc, etc, etc.
So, as my long weekend is beginning, I am wishing all of you a safe and happy weekend. Enjoy the summer!
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for "Now, the fun starts."
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