It was the first time in about 5 years that we had gotten together. Sure, we meant to and we would talk about it, but things would always come up, or we couldn't co-ordinate the timing, or a million other things. But finally, FINALLY, all the stars aligned and we were able to make it work.
It was so nice to see everyone. We all promised to do it again soon, and I can't wait. I am probably going to host a BBQ in the summer (I have more room outside than in.) It will be so nice to connect again.
I have always been a little jealous of Geoff and his family. His aunts and uncles may have their differences and feuds, but when the chips are down, they come together and make it happen. The fact that at pretty
much anytime, Geoff can call any of them and ask a favour or pay a visit, or anything...well, I want that too.
I have never been super duper close with my extended family, but when my grandparents were alive, we used to see each other a bit more than we do now. Things happen, years pass, and you grow apart. But I am hoping we have made first steps towards coming back together. I really, really hope that.
One of my new year's resolutions was to focus on family. To make it a priority and to remember how important it is in my life. It is so easy to get distracted. I have been distracted, with work and overtime and money and everything else that, ultimately, aren't really that important at all. At the end of the day, family is what you have.
So, I also talked to both side of our immediate family, both mine and Geoff's, about a monthly dinner. We all live about 5 minutes apart, but can go weeks without seeing each other. We had our first dinner this weekend with Geoff's family. Geoff's mom made chicken and ribs, we had Muppet cupcakes for dessert and it was lovely. It was relaxed and casual, and nice and warm. Exactly what I hoped for.
So, family...prepare for love! I'm coming atcha! By the end of the year, we should all be completely sick of each other. :) I can't wait.
Rosie N. Grey
The N stands for no place like home.
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